Sunday, June 04, 2006

Planet of the Apes 1972, how important this film is.

"PLANET OF THE APES" The 197o's version, and it's significance to our society.

1. The design of the spaceship is still cool, let's face it, as a kid I thought for sure that this kind of ship would be built in my lifetime, I also thought that I would marry Daughter Judy and fly around in a bubble car and have Elroy come over with his Jet pack and we would end up working for Spacely sprockets, WTF did I know.

2. The debate over creationism vs. evolution is still going on, in the film they all hail Zaes the creator and teach in school that they did not come from a lower life form, meanwhile this angers the doctor monkeys who believe that the cleric monkeys hide a secret about where the apes really came from.

3. One of the best lines ever, "Get your paws off me you damned dirty ape!" What guy hasn't heard this line from a a girl whom he has offended by thinking because he rented a tux on prom night that it was a sure thing. This really effeminized Chuck Heston, he sounded like that angry school girl that I thought really liked me but didn't, and was only going out with me because she thought I had an in with a band I mixed music for. Boy was she wrong, and sadly so was I, talk about an awkward start to the evening on prom night.

4. 2 hours and not once did we see a monkey perform an act of self abuse. Try that at the zoo on any weekend, usually they wait for a group of school kids and then start punching the clown, I think they do that to watch the children vomit or become scarred for life.

5. The Statue of Liberty survives a defcon five nuclear attack, she's under water from global warming, but the the weather in New York is really nice after that little event, it's like L.A. only with gun toting crazed apes.

6. Heston gets locked in a cage with a hot babe who only wants to mate and can't talk, now how's that for nirvana? 3 square meals, not having to toil in hard labor ever again and mating all day. Oddly enough how does Charlton Heston react to this predicament? He screams like a scared child trying to do anything to escape, what a loser, this is truly one of the greatest flaws with this film, any man knows if he is locked in a cage with a hot woman who is ravaging him screaming guttural screams of desire, he probably had to pay her.

7. Public school survives, yes even though there is political issues of science and religion still, it is good to see the public education system toughs it out. Even a monkey understands the importance of education.

8. Finally, the last reason this film is so good, and politically important it shows us that guns don't kill people , monkeys with guns kill people.