Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Snowy daze
I was driving home from my glorius job tonight in a virtual white-out. When I got home my teenage son was sick from the flu, with a marathon of heaving. I was going to write on how Dick Cheney seems to be incapable of truth telling, however since no one reads this right now with all the goings on at home the point is moot. I am not saying that to be lazy, I just had a crappy day with sick kid alamode. My sons are great people, no thanks to me, they came that way. Both are courteous, kind, and respect all people and their beliefs. So, when they are sick I do the normal parental overanylyzing on what to do to ease their pain, not much one can do when it's the flu. I do not know how parents cope with a child with a terminal illness, they must have wills of iron and compassion that the gods envy. Anyhoo, I thought we missed winter this year in Mi. Not so. It is coming at us now in Feb. with a vengeance of an outed mobster, I hate winter, I would be back in the south if I had my druthers during the winter months. However, when the spring hits here and they sky is crystal blue with the trees the shade of green so deep that it looks like an oil painting, with soft summer breezes warming the air it is the most beautiful place on earth, even if it only lasts for a week. Oh well, live the way you think or else you be doomed to think the way you live.